When you first step into Spa Bleu, you instantly feel a serene energy coming over you. Sunlight blankets the waiting room as your eyes are met with a cool blend of blues and white. You wait on the comfy couch listening to uplifting classical music while drinking wine, graciously provided by one of the lovely desk attendants.
After a short wait, Morgan called me back into one of the massage rooms, which she designed herself. The room is adorned with different calming relics such as an intricate dream catcher and images of birds and feathers. The light cast upon the walls seems to transform the blue into a moody blend of purple which strikes you with a comforting feeling of calm and relaxation. As I lied face down in the comfy massage table, Morgan explained to me that the raindrop aromatherapy massage has detoxifying benefits, and is her favorite treatment to give. I felt a connection with her sincerity and apparent passion, feeling even more excited as I closed my eyes and waited for the sensations to take over.
The treatment started out with an array of different essential oils like frankincense and thyme sprinkled across my spine like raindrops. Even from the very start, I felt an invigorating sensation come over me with each drop. After she sprinkled the oil, I felt Morgan spread out the energies in my spine one by one. She did this with all the lines in my body, such as in my legs, arms, and feet. I felt intensely relaxed and taken care of, while at the same time being very aware of my body and its energies. With the raindrop aromatherapy massage, I felt a luxurious sensation of relaxation and also a deep connection with my body that I hadn't felt before. As I listened to Morgan's soothing voice and felt her hands work their magic, I could almost hear my body thanking me for the gifts it received.

For those of you who have never received a spa treatment, let me assure you that the benefits are completely worth it. It's my personal philosophy that it's far better to spend your money on worthwhile experiences rather than material possessions or vices. I think Morgan puts it perfectly when she says that "People spend money on things that are bad for them without even thinking about it, but they are so hesitant to use that money towards things that are truly beneficial and therapeutic".
Your body will thank you for giving it such rewards, and you can't put a price on the way a spa treatment soothes your soul and lifts you from the periling world.
I say this to all Savannah locals and travelers to our beautiful, mystic city, the next time you wish to escape stress, visit Spa Bleu for a true experience in refined Southern comfort.