Today I experienced the most perfect act of karma while on Tybee Beach. My friend Ken and I walked along the shore by the jetties searching for beach treasures to put in his fish tank. We had no such luck finding sea glass or pieces of hollow wood. We only succeeded in finding oddly shaped shells to make jewelry out of. We found the most perfect conch shell--completely in tact with beautiful colors, but alas there was a mussel living on the inside.
I take moments of celebration while on the beach. It has always been a tranquil destination for myself. The one thing I hate most of all is when I see trash carelessly left by tourists on the beautiful beach.

"I can't believe people are such ass holes!" I yelled at my friend ken as I gathered crushed up Coke cans, empty Capri Sun packets, and wet cigarette butts in my hands. I made many trips to the trash bin and back during our walk along the shore.
Then the universe sent me a surprise! On our walk back when we had nearly approached the boardwalk that led to the parking lot, we found a pair of Rainbow flip flops in my size lying in the sand! Rainbow flips flops are naturally made shoes featuring a lifetime warranty and high prices. I have wanted a pair for the longest time now. I can't believe these just fell into my lap! I suggest that everyone tries doing something nice for the Earth. Maybe the forces of karma will send you a lovely treat as well! ^_^
Someone is going to be looking for those flipflops...
I doubt if whoever they were is even going to try after leaving them on the beach. I know I've left plenty of things on Tybee that I've had to say good bye to.
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